When you are busy with fee earning work you need someone you can rely on to help you deliver an exemplary service to your clients; a multi-talented assistant to look after the detail and keep you on track. You can be much more productive if you don’t have to worry about the little things. It’s ok, we can do that for you.
Backeys provides a professional, efficient and completely discreet PA/secretarial service. With good educational backgrounds and abundant business experience, our team are able to offer classic secretarial services with a modern twist. Working with all the latest IT bells and whistles, we’re here to keep you organised, on top of things and ahead of the game.
We work from our own offices, where we have all the necessary equipment to deliver a top class service. Our offices are fully staffed throughout the working day, which means that we’re always here to look after your needs, including your incoming telephone calls, emails and post, if you so choose.
By diverting your phones to a dedicated Backey phone line, we can take your calls – answering as your own office. Provide us with an e-mail address @your company and we can seamlessly keep in touch with your clients and contacts for you. We can even receive, open and deal with your incoming post.
We’ll manage your diary and keep you up to date with your business and personal commitments. An online system permits access from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing instant editing by you or us when changes arise. We transcribe and put together reports and correspondence from dictation files and send out correspondence on your letterhead. We also populate databases and create excel spreadsheets to log and monitor pretty much any aspect of your business.
Backeys organises group meetings, liaising with everyone involved to arrange well-communicated and beautifully organised events.
Remember, Backeys are not just ‘super secretaries’ we’re business owners too - which means we have experience of the many issues affecting small businesses. You only pay for the work we do, so there’s no need for you to employ a full time member of staff unless you have the space, equipment, work requirement and inclination to do so.